OUT OF HOURS EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBERS: 07739 684404 or 07803 627421
Suite 7 Old Barn Offices
Salts Farm, East Guldeford
Rye, East Sussex
TN31 7PA
tel: 01797 227000
fax: 01797 226500
email: info@rmaidb.co.uk



The Romney Marshes Area Internal Drainage Board is a self-funding public body.

Approximately 24% of the Board’s adjusted net expenditure is met from the agricultural rate and the remaining 76% is met by Special Levies charged on the councils in the district.

The calculation of the rate and special levies for the year 1st April 2024 - 31st March 2025 is:-

Agricultural Rate   £228,740
Special Levies Ashford Borough Council £13,550
  Rother District Council £154,354
  Folkestone & Hythe District Council £565,880
Total Income   £962,524

Rates collected are used to pay for the maintenance or improvement of watercourses and structures. Approximately 40% of the income received is paid to the Environment Agency in the form of a precept to contribute to the maintenance of their watercourses and assets.

The Agency makes a contribution to the Board for accepting upland water from the catchment into the lowland area.

Click here to view the Board's  Rating Notice 2024 - 25